Four best road trip destinations in Mexico.

Four best road trip destinations in Mexico.

Mexico, officially known as the United Mexican States is a country in the Southern part of North America. The country has a border to the north by the United States of America while the Pacific Ocean borders the south and the west. The southeast region is bordered by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea to the east by the Gulf of Mexico. The country has a total population of 127.6m people (World Bank: 2019). Mexico remains one of the interesting places to consider when planning tourism in the North American continent because of its unique attractive destinations. However, this work is narrowed down to four (4) best road trip destinations.

If you are planning to visit any of these destinations, you will need to go with a car. If you want to opt for a rented car, you should read rent a car brands reviews on US-Reviews to know the best companies to rent a car for and the best car model for your road trip. Here are 4 of the best road trip destinations in Mexico.

1) Baja Peninsula

This is a destination in Northwest Mexico. The Peninsula separates the Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California. It also extends 1,247km from Mexicali, Baja California in the north to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in the South. As a country with a good road network and of course in great condition, having a hitch-free road trip to Baja Peninsula is not only fun but safe and memorable. Importantly, before embarking on the journey, it’s necessary to develop one’s itinerary projections into a travel log and log same with the country’s embassy. A copy should also be given to one’s family member or a friend. Do the journey during daylight hours so you’ll be able to see things clearly and for safety reasons.

2) The Yucatan Peninsula and the Ruins Loop

For those with limited time and other resources, this is a perfect road trip destination for you. Here, a lot can be achieved in a week or less but if two weeks is at hand to spend, a lot more would be covered including all of the major historical and cultural sites on the Peninsula. The best option is to fly into Cancun, from there, rent a car and move to Mayan Riviera. Here you can stay in Paamul, a lesser-known area with a tiny unit hotel and a few thatched cottages by the Sea. The area offers great leisure activities such as scuba diving at very reasonable prices.

3) The Central Loop

Another interesting road trip destination is the Central Loop which is equally known as the “real Mexico”. Crossing the country’s border with your car may be a Herculean task especially with an insurance policy. Therefore, the best option is to fly into Mexico City, rent a car from there and you can start your trip with a few days enjoying highlights of Mexico city like visiting Teotihuacan, the Zocalo and Presidential Palace with the Diego Rivera Murals, the museum of Anthropology, Chapultapec Park, floating gardens and other fantastic places like black pottery market (for viewing and purchasing), Ocotlan which harbors Zocalo, Monte Album, the Aquarium at Veracruz.

4) Northern Loop

Here you can visit places like Ciudad Victoria. At Ciudad Victoria, you can spend some days in the Sierra Madre enjoying the splendor and variety of the mountains as you work your way through the state of San Louis Potosi, Gogorron National Park, and other small towns like Mari del Rio to buy local weavings and crafts and as well as spending a night at Laguna Media Luna to swim in the bath-water warm springs.